The Theology of Tobacco.

Tobacco and alcohol are two taboos in the Baptist world, and we might say even in the evangelical world. I believe Scripture gives us the ability to consume these two substances in moderation without sinning against the living God. However, there is a clear line between moderation and overconsumption. When we overindulge in anything, it becomes sin. I might paint with a broad brush here over the next few paragraphs, but I do want to clarify my logic and theology behind the scriptures.

Let us start with clarity and grace. I am not advocating that everyone should smoke cigars and drink beer. There are people who should completely abstain from alcohol and cigars due to their lack of self-control or major health issues.

The theology of tobacco stems from a theology of Christian liberty. I do not think we can explicitly condemn smoking a cigar. Many people run to the passage "your body is a temple and you must take care of it. Cigars are bad and you must not allow smoke to enter into your body." My argument here is that anything in excess is bad for our bodies. We, as stewards of our bodies, should understand that overconsumption of Mountain Dew, red dyes, and coffee can have adverse effects. I do not believe this passage is saying "don't smoke cigars," but rather to take care of what God has given you. When we examine the United States and its obesity problem, we must realize that consumption of the wrong foods and the sin of gluttony are rampant in the church at large, but smoking a cigar is not necessarily sinning against God. I do not believe the scriptures teach that any consumption of a cigar is sin. I believe the scriptures teach moderation of God's gifts to man. If you wake up and light a cigar and chain smoke until you go to bed, that is an issue of consumption, and I believe you would indeed be sinning against the Living God. A nightly cigar is not sin, but maybe a habit of relaxation and a time to reflect about your day and study whatever you use that nightly time for. The same with a pour of bourbon or a glass of red wine at dinner. Moderation is the key, and drunkenness and gluttony are the sins. You can be a gluttonous cigar smoker or a gluttonous Mountain Dew drinker. The balance here is self-control and the lack of self-control.

What we do not advocate at 1689 Cigars is an overconsumption of any of our cigars. We understand that people may do that, but they are responsible to God for their own choices. The same as anyone driving down the highway relatively keeping the speed limit and those who drive wildly over it. If they crash and kill themselves or others they are responsible for their actions, just like the people who would over consume cigars, sodas, coffee, or beer. Christian liberty would be the standard you are free in Christ to live your life in a God-honoring way. Making sure you are doing everything out of moderation.

Now to the Theology of Tobacco: These are personal experiences and stories of sharing a cigar with someone who is far from the Lord. We cross many barriers in a matter of a few puffs. My goal with smoking cigars is to open people up to meaningful conversations. We are often distracted by the TV or our phones. When you have a cigar it takes time and care to keep lit and there can be much conversation had about flavor, likes and dislikes. A cigar is not something to just be enjoyed; it is a labor of art from the roller, and designer of the band. You can find what is good, true, and beautiful in every cigar. There have been countless moments over the last two years in the Clarksville area where I've had a cigar in my hand preaching straight gospel to someone who is outside of the kingdom of God. This is the industry God has allowed me to step into, and the industry by God's grace that I may influence by the gospel of Christ. We stand on core values, integrity, honesty, and love for others. At 1689 Cigars we represent Christ in our customer service, production of high quality cigars, and the art that goes on our bands. We want to honor Christ in each aspect. Every one of our staff serves in their local church as either an elder or deacon. Our goal from the start is to stay on mission and allow our small company to impact the cigar industry with what is good, beautiful, and true. Ultimately, sharing the love of Christ with all those we come into contact.


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Founder and CEO of 1689 Cigars gives a quick summary of the Theology of Tobacco!

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